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Shortly after Nancy graduated in 2017, she got a job at Tyler Junior College and is still employed there today. She is also working on her Associates degree.  She said her life was changed because of what she learned through our program.

Carrie is a career woman who found herself without a job.  She had lost all confidence in her abilities and was experiencing a lot of self-doubt.  During her time with us, she found hope, confidence, a job that she loves, and, most importantly, a new relationship with Christ.

​When Katy came to us she had just lost her mother and was broken and grieving.  However, she was surrounded by a community of love and support and gained valuable skills and experience in addition to a new family.  She is employed by  a local realtor and is working on obtaining her real estate license.    

Jose came to us in need of office skills following an accident that would keep him from working his previous jobs.
He has been the best student as well as a blessing to us all. He has been so impressed with our program that he now volunteers with us.

Patricia came to us lacking confidence to succeed in the workplace. She quickly began to see herself as a uniquely created child of God through our Bible study. She began to rise up with strength as she learned to trust God to direct her path. 
After graduating, she received her state insurance license and is now working as an independent agent.

Airenada was depressed while attending classes and most days struggled to attend. She didn't think that she could grow and learn while in that state of mind.  Now, she believes that it was being in our classes that God allowed her to make her way back to Texas. She learned each week that her doubts and lack of faith were just lies that Satan had painted on the walls of her heart. She was reminded daily of how amazing God is and now has faith in the fact that God loves her. Even though she can't see or imagine what His plans for her life may be that doesn't mean that He doesn't have one.

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215 Margaret St
Lindale, TX 75771

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